
Understanding Asylum & Refugee Laws in the United States: What You Need to Know
For generations, seeking refuge in the United States from persecution, violence, and war has been part of America’s policy towards fleeing persons from across the globe. Global conflicts, natural disasters, and harsh conditions have, throughout history, prompted the migration of peoples from one place to another. Applying for asylum and refugee status can be an

Preparing for the Citizenship Process and Civics Test
The process of becoming a citizen can be a long road for many people. Obtaining citizenship is a great accomplishment and can change a person’s life forever. Depending on your particular situation, the time that it takes you to become a citizen might vary. It might depend on whether you were a resident first and

Work Permits: Now and Then
If you know your U.S. history like the back of your hand, then it’s likely that you are familiar with The Bracero Program. The Bracero Program took effect in the states of California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Oregon, where labor was needed the most. This was an especially controversial time in history, where people